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HarderStudios - Blueprints - Jun 26, 2024

Enhance your game's hit detection and weapon functionality with this smart Hitscan Component.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.1 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Complete Project
    This product contains a full Unreal Engine project folder, complete with Config files, Content files and .uproject file, which can be used as a template to create a new project.
  • Promotional Content
    Contains Promotional Content
    The creator has indicated this digital content promotes a brand, product, or business (whether their own or someone else’s).

📙View the documentation | 🕹️ Play the Demo | 🎩 Join the community

Enhance your game's hit detection and weapon functionality with this EXCELLENT HITSCAN COMPONENT.

Key Features:

  • Max Piercing Capability: Define a maximum piercing value to control how many objects a bullet can penetrate.
  • Piercing Damage Multiplier: Set a damage multiplier to control the damage loss per piercing.
  • Smart Piercing Logic: Ensure accurate visual feeback. Pierced characters won't result in a impact on the wall behind them.
  • Individual Trace Validation: Applies the same logic to individual line traces, allowing for consistent results with spread bullet traces (e.g., shotguns).

  • ONE Main Event:
  • OnPerformLinetrace(s): Execute a single line trace or multiple in a defined randomized pattern depending on the amount of bullets the weapon has.

  • Customizable Shotgun Pattern:
  • Set the number of shrapnels, initial circular offset, angular deviation, and center offset for spread shots.
  • Spread bullet traces are randomly distributed but evenly spread within a circular pattern, with adjustable spacing parameters.

  • Piercable Actors: Designate certain actors (e.g., specific walls) as piercable with custom collision presets for realistic gameplay interactions.
  • Interface Implementation: Utilizes an interface for seamless integration, expecting values like LinetraceStartLocation, Accuracy etc.. .

Additional Benefits:

  • Aim Down Sights (ADS) Support: Fully implemented ADS feature included with an Animation Blueprint. Requires only an Idle pose for the weapon. NOTE: Uses IK_Hand_Guns for precise weapon positioning.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed guides and examples are available to help you integrate and customize the component.
  • Community Support: Join our Discord for quick assistance and community support.
  • Ongoing Updates: Regular updates and improvements based on user feedback.

Seamless Integration

Designed to seamlessly integrate into any project, the EXCELLENT HITSCAN COMPONENT provides advanced and versatile hitscan capabilities perfect for first-person shooters and turret-based systems. With customizable piercing parameters, smart hit validation, and flexible spread patterns, this component enhances both the realism and precision of your game's hit detection. Additionally, the included ADS functionality allows for immediate and impressive implementation.

Effortlessly configure and integrate the component into your weapons or turrets, utilizing a clean, readable, and well-documented codebase. Save development time while providing a robust and flexible system for hit detection.

Create. Expand. Deliver. - Embrace Excellence!

Our Recommendations:

Designed to work great with the EXCELLENT HITBOX COMPONENT

Contact Info:

Technical Details


  • Smart Hitscan functionality
  • AimDownSights animation blueprint
  • Inventory and MasterWeapon class for demonstration purpose

Number of Blueprints: 5 core (Component, Interface, PrimaryDataAsset, 2 Function librarys)

2 for testing

20 for demonstration purposes (BP_MaterWeapon, BP_Inventory etc.)

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: PC, Mac

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: 📙View the documentation

Important/Additional Notes: The demo level uses assets from Epic Games provided through their Content Examples project. You can find the project here. Any other non Epic Games assets were created by HarderStudios.