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Extra Win Function

Gdy Development - Code Plugins - Jun 18, 2024
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Extra Win Function

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.2 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.
  • Promotional Content
    Contains Promotional Content
    The creator has indicated this digital content promotes a brand, product, or business (whether their own or someone else’s).

You can use This Plugin to Get And Set Computer Information like - Check the Internet Connection from your computer, Set the Computer Sound Level, etc

Technical Details


  1. CheckInternetConnection
  2. GetDevicePlatform
  3. GetRamSize
  4. GetProcessorCoreCount
  5. IsBatterySupported
  6. IsBatteryCharging
  7. GetComputerUsername
  8. GetDeviceName
  9. IsMicrophoneAvailable
  10. IsSpeakerAvailable
  11. GetPrimaryGraphicsCardName
  12. IsMouseAvailable
  13. IsGraphicsCardAvailable
  14. GetComputerSoundLevel
  15. GetProcessorThreadCount
  16. OpenDirectory
  17. GetAllSpeakerNames
  18. ShowMessageBox
  19. CreateDirectory
  20. GetAllGraphicsCardNames
  21. GetDefaultSoundDeviceName
  22. GetAllMicrophoneNames
  23. GetDefaultMicrophoneName
  24. GetTotalMouseButtonCount
  25. GetDisplayRefreshRate
  26. GetGraphicsCardRAMSize
  27. DeleteDirectory
  28. SetComputerSoundLevel
  29. SetMicrophoneVolume
  30. GetMicrophoneVolume
  31. MuteMicrophoneVolume
  32. MuteComputerSound

Code Modules:

  •  Extra_Win_Function [Runtime]

Number of C++ Classes: 32

Network Replicated: (No)

Supported Development Platforms: ("Win64")

Supported Target Build Platforms: ("Win64")

DocsURL: Doc