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Inventory UI with UMG

Epic Games - UE Legacy Samples - Apr 29, 2020

Wes Bunn's Inventory tutorial project will show you how to use UMG to push your UI to the next level!

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.6 - 4.24
  • Download Type
    Complete Project
    This product contains a full Unreal Engine project folder, complete with Config files, Content files and .uproject file, which can be used as a template to create a new project.
A number of people have requested an Unreal Motion Graphics (UMG) inventory system, and Wes Bunn here at Epic created his take on it. However, he wasn't satisfied with just giving out a project with a UMG inventory system, he created an entire video series on how he put everything together!

UE-Only Content - Licensed for Use Only with Unreal Engine-based Products

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